Africa Trends

EU-Libya Migrant Deal

Given the lack of feasibility of other policy initiatives in order to deal with Libya, from where majority of migrants cross-over, militarisation remains the only option. Even the military solution is going to achieve partial results and human trafficking will continue to thrive. In all the chaos, migrants will be caught between a rock and a hard place, with Libya being unpropitious to stay and journey to Europe being increasingly perilous.

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Cocaine trafficking between Latin America and West Africa

The link between narcotics’ traffickers in Latin America and their allies in West Africa has opened another front in the “war on drugs” and has unfortunately led to West Africa becoming home to what has been described as the “world’s first narco state” namely, Guinea-Bissau. The availability of aircraft, pilots and an expanse of airspace without radar coverage, aided and abetted by poorly or corruptly policed borders has led to a thriving trade between the two continents for the enrichment of some and the detriment of many others.

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An African Moment: UN Sustainable Development Goals

Out of 2,900 billion tonnes, the world now has only 1000 giga tonnes of carbon dioxide to be dispersed into the atmosphere by 2100 in order to maintain the 2 degree Celsius commitment. If Africa takes the path of business as usual, it will emit around 50 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide i.e. 5.5% of the remaining carbon budget. It is under these circumstances that Africa hopes to achieve the goals of the first Ten Year Implementation Plan of Agenda 2063.

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