Africa Trends

Will China’s Economic Slowdown Dent Africa’s Rise?

In the twenty first century, China ventured into Africa for new markets for goods and services, natural resources especially oil, timber, metals and minerals and for political and economic influence. There is a broad consensus amongst scholars and policy makers that China's foreign policy and diplomacy in Africa is being driven by commercial interests and domestic economic imperatives.

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FOCAC- China’s Deepening Engagement with Africa and Its Implications

The FOCAC process began in 2000 under the Presidency of Jiang Zemin when the first ministerial meeting was held in Beijing and has come a long way since then as a show of evolving Chinese interests in the African continent. Africa in many ways has been a learning ground for China's international role. What China has been doing in the continent must be watched closely as it showcases the future of Chinese power.

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India – Tanzania Ties Get A Fillip

Despite the decline in piracy, there are other threats such as threat of illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing. The recent discovery of large deposits of natural gas off the country's sea coast has made the Tanzanian government vary of threat to the emerging natural gas infrastructure in the region and it is open to finding new partners, like India, to deal with this peril.

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