
Asian Strategic Review 2014: US Pivot and Asian Security

  • Publisher: Pentagon Press

The “Pivot to Asia” strategy qualifies to be called Obama Doctrine: a part of Obama’s “grand strategy”. This policy may radically redefine not only the US engagement with Asia but also the Asian strategic dynamics. This book looks at various facets of the pivot strategy, to include US, Chinese, regional and country specific perspectives with an aim of providing greater clarity and understanding.

  • ISBN 978-81-8274-769-2,
  • Price: ₹. 995/-
  • E-copy available
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Core Concerns in Indian Defence and the Imperatives for Reforms

  • Publisher: Pentagon Press

India's current defence imperatives transcend the ideeological 'defence vs. butter' debate. Even while there may be no profound existential concerns, the geo-political reality of a deeply troubled neighbourhood, long legacy of border disputes with neighbours in the north and west and a widening spectrum of potential warfare from conventional and strategic to the asymmetric can be ignored at our own peril.

  • ISBN 978-81-8274-818-7,
  • Price: ₹. 1095/-
  • E-copy available
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Unending Violence in Pakistan Analysing the Trends

  • Publisher: Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses

The Pakistan Project of IDSA consists of a dedicated group of scholars studying Pakistan and watching the unfolding events and analysing the trends from the perspective of its implications for India and the region. “Unending Violence in Pakistan: Analysing the Trends, 2013-14” is the third report published by Pakistan Project.

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Understanding India’s Maoists

  • Publisher: Pentagon Press

The proscribed Communist Party of India (Maoist), Maoists in short, also known in India as Naxalites, is the most lethal and largest of all such groups. Its ultimate aim is to capture/seize political/state power through protracted people’s war (PPW), on the lines propounded by Mao Tse Tung.

  • ISBN 978-81-8274-801-9,
  • Price: ₹. 1295/-
  • E-copy available
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Strategic Materials: A Resource Challenge for India

  • Publisher: Pentagon Press

There are a few minerals which are categorized as ‘strategic’ because of their importance for the industries and owing to natural and man-made difficulties in their procurement. There has been an attempt here to contextualize the importance of strategic materials from a national security perspective. This study presents a macro view with regard to India’s strategic minerals architecture and undertakes analysis to understand current and futuristic challenges and opportunities in this sector, and offers a few recommendations based on the assessment undertaken. Issues related to Rare Earth and new materials are also discussed.

  • ISBN 978-81-8274-786-9,
  • Price: ₹. 795/-
  • E-copy available
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India and Africa: Enhancing Mutual Engagement

  • Publisher: Pentagon Press

This book represents an effort to build on existing partnerships between African countries and India and to explore new areas of convergence for mutual engagement. It originated from the First India-Africa Strategic Dialogue hosted by the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi in November 2011. It brings together Indian and African perspectives on global, regional and bilateral issues of strategic relevance to both sides.

  • ISBN 978-81-8274-751-7,
  • Price: ₹. 795/-
  • E-copy available
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Developments in the Gulf Region: Prospects and Challenges for India in the Next Two Decades

  • Publisher: Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis (IDSA)

This volumes examines the current emerging social, political, economic and security trends in the Gulf Region and likely trajectory of events and plausible scenarios for the next two decades to help policy makers in India to prepare for a variety of contingencies in a region of immense importance to India.

  • ISBN 978-81-8274-745-6,
  • Price: ₹. 695/-
  • E-copy available
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China Yearbook 2012

  • Publisher: Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis (IDSA)

An annual publication from the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), The China Yearbook 2012 is a round-up of events and issues of significance that occurred in China during the past year and covers important developments in the domestic and foreign policy spheres.

  • ISBN 978-93-82512-03-5,
  • Price: ₹. 695/-
  • E-copy available
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The Islamist Challenge in West Asia: Doctrinal and Political Competitions After the Arab Spring

  • Publisher: Pentagon Press

Following the Arab Spring, the West Asia-North Africa (WANA) region is witnessing interactions between the various strands of Islamism-Wahhabiya in Saudi Arabia; the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and its affiliates in other Arab countries, and the radical strand represented by Al Qaeda and its associated organisations - in an environment of robust competition and even conflict. This work examines these issues in some details. It provides an overview of the political aspects of Islamic law – the Sharia, as it evolved from early Islam and, over the last two hundred years, experienced the impact of Western colonialism. This book draws on a rich variety of source material which has been embellished by the author’s extensive diplomatic experience in the Arab world over three decades.

  • ISBN 978-81-8274-737-1,
  • Price: ₹. 695/-
  • E-copy available
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India’s Neighbourhood: The Armies of South Asia

  • Publisher: Pentagon Press

This book is an attempt to examine the role, relevance and status of the armies in the ever dynamic socio-political milieu of the countries in India’s South Asian neighbourhood. The book deals with the national armies of seven South Asian countries bordering India, namely Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Maldives, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The contributors to the volume also trace out the likely trajectory of the future role and position of the armies in the given or evolving national and geo-political settings.

  • ISBN 978-81-8274-706-0,
  • Price: ₹. 795/-
  • E-copy available
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