
China’s Path To Power: Party, Military and the Politics of State Transition

  • Publisher: Pentagon Security International

This book portrays how China's state transformation is taking place or moving without much notice through trial and error, which seems awfully cautious, balanced and systematic. Specially, it addresses the discourse of State transformation in China, contextualizing its progress and timely transformation in the military, civil-military, political and socio-economic terms.

  • ISBN 978-81-8274-482-0 ,
  • Price: ₹. 695/-
  • E-copy available
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Whither Pakistan? Growing Instability and Implications for India

  • Publisher: Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses

Pakistan has invariably evoked a great deal of interest among India’s strategic affairs community. Because of historical, geographical, economic and cultural linkages, developments in the neighbourhood have important implications for India’s politics, economy and security. The basic argument that flows from the report is that Pakistan is likely to remain unstable because of inherent weaknesses in its political, economic and security policies.

  • ISBN 81-86019-70-7,
  • Price: ₹. 299/-
  • E-copy available
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Nuclear Disarmament A Way Forward

  • Publisher: Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses

IDSA set up a Task Force to examine the issues concerning disarmament with Shri Satish Chandra, formerly India’s Ambassador to Conference on Disarmament and Deputy National Security Advisor (NSA) as Chair. This report is the outcome of its deliberations. It seeks to examine the obstacles to nuclear disarmament and the manner in which they can be removed. It reiterates the dangers of the nuclear weapon states persisting with their current policies of privileging nuclear weapons in their security postures and neglecting their obligations under article VI of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty (NPT).

  • ISBN 81-86019-69-3 ,
  • E-copy available
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India’s Border Management: Select Documents

  • Publisher: Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses

This book is an attempt to bring together documents and reports published by the government on border management. The aim is to provide a comprehensive overview of the problems India faces in managing its borders and its approach towards the challenge.

  • ISBN 81-86019-68-5 ,
  • E-copy available
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The Future of War and Peace in Asia

  • Publisher: Magnum Books Pvt. Ltd. (2010)

This is an insightful analysis of inter- and intra-state conflicts and tensions in the countries of Asia even as the centre of gravity of economic, political and technological power is shifting from the Trans-Atlantic zone to Asia, particularly to East, South and Southeast Asia.

  • ISBN 8187363975
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In Search of Congruence Perspectives on India-US Relations under the Obama Administration

  • Publisher: Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses

This collection of essays attempts to assess the complexities and prospective direction of India-US relations under the Obama administration. Each chapter in this volume, examines his pronouncements on major security and foreign policy issues from his election campaign days, and traces the current course of his policies in those areas and their possible implications for India. Being an early assessment of how the relationship is likely to evolve, this book should be of interest to policy makers, the business community and discerning scholars.

  • ISBN 81-86019-65-0 ,
  • E-copy available
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Maritime Security: The Unlawful Dimension

  • Publisher: Magnum Books Pvt Ltd

Maritime security has increasingly been studied from the standpoint of the complexities of the ocean—where the ‘game’ has been played since ancient days. In recent years, however, the concept has undergone a sea change.

  • ISBN 81-87363-98-3 ,
  • Price: ₹. 1125/-
  • E-copy available
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Development of Nuclear Energy Sector in India

  • Publisher: Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses

The vision for the development of nuclear energy in India is not new. It dates back to pre-independence days. The nation had embarked on the development of large-scale infrastructure for nuclear power generation and building scientific-technological base for it. The process of the development of nuclear energy was, however, not smooth. It had to overcome enormous difficulties to reach the present stage. The obstacles it had to face were primarily due to the technology denial regimes adopted by various nations that either had the expertise or had harnessed nuclear energy.

  • ISBN 81-87363-98-3 ,
  • Price: ₹. 200/-
  • E-copy available
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Asia 2030: The Unfolding Future

  • Publisher: Lancer

This book is an effort to understand how the future will unfold in Asia 2030. This book has addressed issues ranging from air-power, cyber security, climate change, ballistic missile defence to geo-political and regional issues pertaining to East Asia, South East Asia and South Asia. Based primarily on the method of scenario building, this book is an attempt to discuss the future of critical issues related to security and the international relations of Asia in 2030.

  • ISBN 978-1-93550122-4 ,
  • Price: ₹. 695/-
  • E-copy available
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Documents on North East India

  • Publisher: Shipra Publications

The Volume provides an insight into certain select documents that have shaped North East India in a variety of ways, the perusal of which would aid scholarship that is appropriately beginning to study the enchanted frontiers. The book would be useful to research scholars, policy makers and readers having an interest in the region.

  • ISBN 978-81-7541-579-9 ,
  • Price: ₹. 995/-
  • E-copy available
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