
China-India-Japan in the Indo-Pacific: Ideas, Interests and Infrastructure

  • Publisher: Pentagon Press
This book analyses the competing power politics that exists between the three major Asian powers - China, India, and Japan - on infrastructural development across the Indo-Pacific. It examines the competing policies and perspectives of these Asian powers on infrastructure development initiatives and explores the commonalities and contradictions between them that shape their ideas and interests. In brief, the volume looks into the strategic contention that exists between China's "Belt and Road Initiative" (BRI; earlier officially known as "One Belt, One Road" - OBOR) and Japan's "Expanded Partnership for Quality Infrastructure" (PQI) and initiatives like the Asia-Africa Growth Corridor (AAGC) and position India's geostrategic and geo-economic interests in between these two competing powers and their mammoth infrastructural initiatives.
  • ISBN: 978-93-86618-42-9,
  • Price: ₹.1495/- $38.95/-
  • E-copy available
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Defence Reforms: A National Imperative

  • Publisher: Pentagon Press
Despite being faced with myriad and complex challenges to national security, India's defence structures have not kept pace with changing times. The defence reforms that were undertaken periodically were reactive in nature and, in many cases, responses to crises as well as being sporadic, piecemeal and often ad hoc. The most recent review of security challenges undertaken occurred close to two decades ago, in the aftermath of the Kargil conflict of 1999.
  • ISBN: 978-93-86618-34-4,
  • Price: ₹.995/- $32.95/-
  • E-copy available
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Asian Strategic Review 2017: Energy Security in Times of Uncertainty

  • Publisher: Pentagon Press

The world is entering an era with increased global demand for energy, price volatility, and rising concerns about environmental burdens and the global impact of climate change. Directly or indirectly, these factors have given rise to related concerns such as deregulation and geopolitical uncertainties. Moreover, the challenges related to the energy issue go beyond scientific or technological aspects and extend to access to resources, regional conflicts, pricing and energy infrastructure management.

  • ISBN: 78-93-86618-28-3,
  • Price: ₹ 795/- , $27.95/-
  • E-copy available
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India’s Strategic Options in a Changing Cyberspace

  • Publisher: Pentagon Press
The book is structured to perform a role both as a primer to those who wish to understand the strategic issues and key concepts in cyberspace, as well as to provide sufficient pointers to those who wish to have an in-depth understanding on specific issues.

Among the major issues examined are the efficacy of the concept of cyber deterrence, the troubled history of norm-making in cyberspace, protecting critical infrastructure from crippling cyber attacks, the viability of Active Cyber Defence as a means of responding to the sheer scale of attacks, and its attendant legal and ethical issues. Emerging technologies and their potential impact on an already dynamic domain are also the subject to scrutiny, as also the various models of public-Private Partnership in cybersecurity around the world.

  • ISBN: 978-93-86618-66-5,
  • Price: ₹.746/-
  • E-copy available
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The International Committee of the Red Cross in Internal Armed Conflicts

  • Publisher: Palgrave Pivot
This book critically examines the possible dilution of the neutrality principle of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in internal armed conflicts. It begins with the proposition that the intervention of ICRC in internal armed conflicts led to compromises in neutrality, and questioned the autonomy and independence of the organization. The book also argues that the field operations of the international humanitarian organizations during internal armed conflicts are dependent on the authority exercised by the state in whose territory the conflict persists. The ICRC’s involvement in Sri Lanka and Sudan provides empirical support to validate these propositions and arguments.
  • E-book ISBN:978-981-13-2601-1, Hardcopy ISBN: 978-981-13-2600-4,
  • Price: E-book - $54.99, Hardcopy - $69.99
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Ideology, Politics and New Security Challenges in West Asia

  • Publisher: Pentagon Press
Ideology, Politics and New Security Challenges in West Asia, is the collection of papers presented during the international conference on West Asia on January 19-20, 2016. As dramatic changes are taking place in domestic and regional political environments in most countries of the West Asian region, this volume provides an in-depth assessment of the changing security paradigm in the West Asian region, examines the conflicting ideologies and their implications and looks at the resurgence and spread of extremism and terrorism in West Asia, focusing on the ISIS and its impact for the region and beyond. Besides, this edited volume highlights the role and involvement of the extra-regional powers while providing insight into the geopolitical shift in the global energy scenario and its implications for the supplier and consumer countries. Finally, the book examines India's growing partnership with the region, explaining various opportunities and challenges.
  • ISBN: 978-9386618535,
  • Price: ₹1,050/-
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West Asia in Transition – Volume II

  • Publisher: Pentagon Press
West Asia in Transition-Volume II is the result of a project launched by the Delhi Policy Group (DPG) in 2016 to study the rapidly changing socio-political and economic structures as well as emerging trends in West Asia. The publication is a collection` of essays by senior diplomats, academics and young researchers on different aspects of the profound transformation taking place in the West Asian region.
  • ISBN: 978-93-86618-17-7,
  • Price: ₹.1295/- $34.95/-
  • E-copy available
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Persian Gulf 2016-17: India’s Relations with the Region

  • Publisher: Pentagon Press

The Persian Gulf-2016-17 is fifth in the series published by MEI @ ND and first in collaboration with the IDSA. It Examines India’s bilateral relations with the region and focusses on developments during 2015 and 2016. It gives a comprehensive account of the strategic, political, economic and cultural aspects of bilateral developments and also provides in depth analysis of internal dynamics of the Persian Gulf countries.

  • ISBN: 978-93-86618-19-1,
  • Price: ₹ 1295
  • E-copy available
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Arab Spring and Sectarian Faultlines in West Asia: Bahrain, Yemen and Syria

  • Publisher: Pentagon Press

Since the outbreak of the Arab unrest, sectarian politics has become more pronounced throughout the West Asian region which is reflected in the growing polarisation of society and politics on narrow sectarian lines. Rulers have adopted sectarian approaches as a measure to secure their regimes.

  • ISBN 978-93-86618-05-4,
  • Price: ₹ 795
  • E-copy available
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The Geopolitics of Gas: Common Problems, Disparate Strategies

  • Publisher: Pentagon Press

This volume looks at the evolving gas market and the various players who influence it -- both as producers and consumers. However, some of the players, such as Australia and the new African producers, as well as Japan and South Korea, the two largest LNG consumers, have not been included as their approach tends to be more commercial than geopolitical in nature.

  • ISBN 978-81-8274-900-9,
  • Price: ₹. 995
  • E-copy available
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