Furthering ‘No First Use’ in India-Pakistan Context

Pakistan has not subscribed to No First Use. That it could do so has been expressed informally by its President Zardari. India could take up the issue with Pakistan at a forum discussing Confidence Building Measures as and when the composite dialogue resumes. The Lahore Memorandum of Understanding posits such consultations. To get Pakistan on board, India may require initiating a strategic dialogue with Pakistan, outside of the existing composite dialogue framework. This would build trust that could impact other areas of the peace process positively.

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India’s Defence Cooperation

Defence cooperation is an ideal tool to advance the national foreign policy objectives by building bridges of friendship, preventing conflicts, building mutual trust and capacities on a global basis. The process signals the political commitment to develop cooperative relations and dispel mistrust and misperception on issues of common military interest. The evolving geostrategic realities necessitates that policy guidelines be formulated for integrated inter-ministerial planning on issues concerning the external security of the country.

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Emerging East Asian Security Architecture

Security in the traditional sense of the term constitutes only a partial facet of its overarching depiction. A comprehensive concept, a holistic view of security must include social cohesion, emotional integration, well being of the people, inclusive development and not the least any more, collective progress in the world and a more humane, pluralistic, equitable and just international order. It is argued that East Asian security architecture would be more sustainable if the lead nations of the region work collectively towards attainment these objectives.

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Countering the Naxalites: Is there a need to ‘bring in’ the Army?

As the Prime Minister and the Union Home Minister emphasized in the Chief Minister's Conference on Internal security in August and again in the Conference of the Director Generals of State Police Forces in September 2009, on the need to modernize the Police force of the country as an anti-dote to the problem of terrorism/ insurgency/ left-wing extremism, the task remains enormous and Herculean.

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Developments in Major Arms Producing Countries

The global defence industry has undergone serious restructuring since the end of Cold War. Military production has increasingly become concentrated in the hands of fewer but larger defence firms. The 1990s also saw mergers and acquisitions within the defence industry across the national boundaries. The resulting mega-defence firms especially in the United States dominate several sectors ranging from aerospace to shipbuilding to land systems, The European arms industry, on the other hand, has been under stress as the national markets are too small to support a heavily rationalised market.

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Indian Naval Strategy in the Twenty First Century

Construed as expanding rings of expanding circles, India's maritime environs exhibit varying degrees of complexity and competitiveness. Each successive ring bears its own characteristics, opportunities, challenges and distinctive nuances. As India looks farther offshore, beyond its coastal or near-seas environment, it will encounter actors and forces that will neither bend wholly to its will nor reflexively push back. Contingency and context will thus characterise India's interactions with fellow maritime powers.

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Securing South East Asia: The Politics of Security Sector Reform

Mark Beeson, who authored articles on Asia Pacific institutions and regional security along with Alex J. Bellamy who has written books on Kosovo and Security Communities, has written this book which discusses a very important subject of civil military relations in socio-political context. The authors have reservations for the book being classified under civil military relations because it comprehensively discusses the issue under Security Sector Reforms (SSR).

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