Strategic Analysis

Pakistan’s Pashtun Challenge: Moving from Confrontation to Integration

The Pashtun populations of Afghanistan and Pakistan have long been a source of bilateral contention, with each government inciting Pashtun tribals against the other. Now that the majority of Pashtuns live in Pakistan, Islamabad is using its Pashtun connections to project influence into Afghanistan. As a result, both Afghanistan and Pakistan are threatened by runaway Pashtun militancy. Peace and stability in both countries will be impossible until political reforms have been implemented in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of Pakistan.

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Negotiating for India (Lessons of Diplomacy) by Jagat Mehta

Jagat Mehta joined the Indian Foreign Service (IFS) in March 1947 before India became independent. In 1976, at the age of 53, he became India's first foreign secretary without an Indian civil service background. He retired in 1979. In the present book, the author discusses six negotiating assignments that he handled during his diplomatic career, pertaining to Bhutan, China, Uganda, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal. The book is a must read for those interested in India's diplomacy and diplomatic practices of the past.

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Tinderbox: The Past and Future of Pakistan, Harper Collins

MJ. Akbar brings his English literature background, writing skills and experience as a journalist with a notable body of work behind him to bear on a topic that has been and remains central to the story of the subcontinent—the past and future of Pakistan. That he prefaces his title with tinderbox reveals his pessimism regarding Pakistan's future. For him, Pakistan can plausibly be characterised as a ‘toxic jelly’.

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