A Critical Evaluation of the Union Government’s Response to the Maoist Challenge

P. V. Ramana
Archive data: Person was Research Fellow at IDSA from September 2007 to December 2018 P V Ramana was Research Fellow at IDSA. A student of South Asian studies, he works… Continue reading A Critical Evaluation of the Union Government’s Response to the Maoist Challenge read more

The Union Government took notice of the current phase of the Naxalite challenge with concern, for the first time, in 1998. Since then, it has been playing a coordinating role among the various affected states to address the challenge. It has also been advising the affected states on ways to deal with the challenge. By 2003, the Union Government had put in place a two-pronged approach to address the Maoist challenge – that of a development response and a security response. However, all along, the Union Government’s response has largely been security-centric. A political response to the Maoist challenge is, as yet, missing.