The International Committee of the Red Cross in Internal Armed Conflicts

Palgrave Pivot
E-book ISBN:978-981-13-2601-1, Hardcopy ISBN: 978-981-13-2600-4
E-book - $54.99, Hardcopy - $69.99

About the Book

This book critically examines the possible dilution of the neutrality principle of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in internal armed conflicts. It begins with the proposition that the intervention of ICRC in internal armed conflicts led to compromises in neutrality, and questioned the autonomy and independence of the organization. The book also argues that the field operations of the international humanitarian organizations during internal armed conflicts are dependent on the authority exercised by the state in whose territory the conflict persists. The ICRC’s involvement in Sri Lanka and Sudan provides empirical support to validate these propositions and arguments. The cases also show that for the ICRC, it is hard to be neutral and impartial in situations of internal armed conflicts and such conflicts present formidable challenges to maintain its organization autonomy as well.

The larger purpose of the book is to contribute to the policy re/formulation of the international humanitarian organizations in internal armed conflict, the most significant challenge in the field at present.

About the Editor

Dr Rajeesh Kumar is an Associate Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi, India. He has Ph.D. in International Organization from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Before joining IDSA, he taught at Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi and University of Calicut, Kerala. He is the co-editor of two books: Eurozone Crisis and Future of Europe: Political Economy of Further Integration and Governance and Islam, Islamist Movements and Democracy in the Middle East: Challenges, Opportunities, and Responses. His articles and reviews appeared in journals, magazines and newspapers such as Strategic AnalysisIndia QuarterlyJCMS: Journal of Common Market StudiesCEU Political Science JournalE-International RelationsThe DiplomatJapan TimesTehran Times and The Outlook.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction – Pages 1-19
  • ‘Between States and Insurgents’: The ICRC in Internal Armed Conflicts – Pages 21-68
  • The ICRC and the Armed Conflict in Sri Lanka – Pages 69-96
  • The ICRC in Darfur Conflict, Sudan – Pages 97-120
  • Conclusion – Pages 121-130


“This work raises important questions about the possibility of neutral humanitarianism in internal armed conflicts. It not only appraises the significant legal developments related to the conduct of internal armed conflicts but critically evaluates the role of the ICRC in humanizing such conflicts. It makes a valuable contribution by offering an in-depth analysis of the challenges faced by the ICRC in working in between States and insurgents.” (Robert Kolb, Professor of Public International Law at the University of Geneva, Switzerland)

“This book potentially will be of interest to researchers of internal armed conflict, international law, and governance as well as area studies scholars interested in Africa and Asia. It would also be of relevance to practitioners of humanitarianism-whether governmental or non-governmental. The author demonstrates the grasp over relevant literature, just as he is able to present the narrative in his own language and as per his research design. Particularly appreciable is the author’s attempt to contextualise the ICRC’s activities by giving a historical background to the case studies.” (C S R Murthy, Professor, Centre for International Politics, Organization and Disarmament, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India)

“Neutrality has long been among the core principles of the ICRC. Kumar contributes an important element to the ongoing debate on the future of neutrality with his review of the developments regarding the principle of Neutrality.” (Prof. Dr. Andrej J. Zwitter, NGIZ Professor of International Relations, Faculty of Law University of Groningen, The Netherlands )

Keywords: Armed Forces
Rajeesh Kumar

Rajeesh Kumar

Research Fellow

Rajeesh Kumar

Rajeesh Kumar

Research Fellow