United Nations: Multilateralism and International Security

Publishers: IDSA and Shipra

ISBN: 81-7541-224-0

Rs 1250

US $ 80

About the Book

The Iraq war in 2003 raised fundamental questions on the practice of ‘might is right’ and the principle of cooperation and multilateralism in addressing perceived global security challenges. It also placed the United Nations at a critical juncture or, “a fork in the road” as referred to by UNSG Kolf Annan.

This book is a collection of high-quality papers presented by academicians, diplomats and UN officials who had deliberated on this issue in January 2004.

About the Author

K Santhanam former Director of Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi.

Tasneem Meenai, Research Fellow, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi.

C Uday Bhaskar, Officiating Director, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi.

Uttam K Sinha, Associate Fellow, the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi.


List of Acronyms

United Nations, Multilateralism and International Security
—- K.C. Pant

United Nations and the Changing Security Agenda
—- Louise Frechette

Relevance and Efficacy of the United Nations
—- George Fernandes

Current Challenges to Multilateralismand the United Nations

A View from Brazil
—- Celso Amorim

A Sri Lankan Perspective
—- Tyronne Fernando

A Russian Perspective
—- Yuri V. Fedotov

A Japanese Perspective
—- Yasushi Akashi

A European Perspective
—- Geoffrey Van Orden

India’s Approach to Multilateralism
—- J.N. Dixit

Return to Multilateralism: The United States and the World
—- Stephen Schlesinger

Iraq War and World Order
—- Ramesh Thakur

World Strategic Order: Unipolar, Multipolar or Multilateral
—- Pascal Boniface

Conflict Resolution and Post-Conflict Management

Afghanistan at the Crossroads
—- Amin Saikal

Armed Action in Sri Lanka
—- Lakshman Kadirgamar

Conflict Resolution and Post-Conflict Management in Timor-Leste
—- Kamalesh Sharma

Conflict Resolution in Africa
—- Greg Mills

Recent Case Studies on Post-Conflict Management
—- Roger Moran

International Cooperation in Tackling Terrorism, Drugs and Organised Crime

Terrorism and Transnational Crime: An Indian Perspective
—- S.K. Datta

Terrorist Outlook for : The New Security Environment
—- Rohan Gunaratna

UN Convention against Organised Crime: Expectations and Dilemmas
—- Vincenzo Ruggiero

International Cooperation in Tackling Terrorism, Drugs and Organised Crime: The Asia-Pacific Experience
—- John McFarlane

International Cooperation in Tackling Terrorism:The Middle East
—- Ely Karmon

International Cooperation against Drug Trafficking in Central Asia
—- Niklas L.P. Swanström and Maral Madi

International Cooperation in Tackling Terrorism: A European Response
—- Hans-Georg Wieck

Security Cooperation in Central Asian Region: State-building Processes and External Influence
—- Anara Tabyshalieva and Erica Marat

United Nations and Weapons of Mass Destruction

A UN Perspective
—- Randy Rydell

An Indian Perspective
—- G. Balachandran

A Russian Perspective
—- Y. M. Kozhokin

The North Korean Nuclear Case
—- Haksoon Paik

UNMOVIC: Lessons and Legacy
—- Trevor Findlay and Ben Mines

UN Non-Proliferation Regimes: New Challenges and Responses
—- Han Hua

Prospects of Strengthening and Restructuring Multilateral Institutions and the United Nations

Strengthening and Restructuring Multilateral Institutions:A Perspective
—- B.S. Prakash

Crisis in Multilateralism: A Japanese Viewpoint
—- Kazutoshi Aikawa

Unilateralism versus Multilateralism: Challenges and Prospects
—- Ruan Zongze

Preemption or Partnership? The Future of International Security
—- Karl F. Inderfurth

Reform of the United Nations
—- V.S. Mani

Lessons of UN Global Conferences: A Restructured United Nations System for a Hegemonic -World Order
Michael G. Schechter

Multilateralism and the Role of Small States
Barry Desker

Strengthening the UN: Futile Attempt orvFeasible Alternative?
Tobias Debiel


