China’s Emerging Cyber War Doctrine

Gurmeet Kanwal
Archive data: Person was Distinguished Fellow at IDSA Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal was Distinguished Fellow, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi and a Delhi-based Adjunct Fellow at the… Continue reading China’s Emerging Cyber War Doctrine read more

China will develop much greater depth and sophistication in its understanding and handling of information warfare techniques and operations. With Indian security becoming increasingly dependent on date processing and network centricity, it will become extremely vulnerable to such information warfare campaigns. India needs to adopt a multidisciplinary approach towards dealing with the emerging cyber warfare threats and develop appropriate response. Since no single agency is charged with ensuring cyber security, there is a need to create a lead agency under a national cyber security advisor to spearhead the counter cyber war efforts. The military, too, needs to form an important part of the overall national effort. Raising of a military cyber command may, therefore, be in order.

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