Do the Changes in Myanmar Signify a Real Transition? A Response to the Debate

Udai Bhanu Singh
Archive data: Person was Senior Research Associate at MP-IDSA till April 2022 Udai Bhanu Singh was Senior Research Associate and Coordinator of the Southeast Asia and Oceania Centre at MP-IDSA.… Continue reading Do the Changes in Myanmar Signify a Real Transition? A Response to the Debate read more

Myanmar’s complexity makes it difficult to find agreement on its multiple facets. What makes it doubly confounding is that the country is passing through a phase of transition. My initial article on this transition has triggered some interesting responses. This shows how reality on the ground is variously interpreted depending on the background of the observer and the special expertise and experience they bring to bear on it. Approaching a subject as interesting as Myanmar from different angles hopefully succeeds in providing a multi-dimensional and more rounded perspective

Keywords: Myanmar