Game Theory Based Aerial Sensor Deployment and Patrol Planning for Counter-Insurgency Operations

Issue: 4

Game theory has been widely applied in security and surveillance scenarios to model the strategic interactions between defenders and attackers. Previous research has shown the potential of game theory in improving security outcomes in various scenarios, including airport security, critical infrastructure protection and wildlife conservation. However, the application of game theory in the context of CI/CT operations in India is unexplored. Using drones in Counter-Insurgency and Counter-Terrorism (CI/CT) operations has become increasingly popular due to their ability to gather intelligence and conduct surveillance in areas that are difficult to access by ground forces. However, the effectiveness of these aerial sensors can be limited by the uncertainty in detecting and signalling the presence of terrorist or insurgent activity. We propose a Patrol Planning System based on historical data and realtime patrolling feedback for optimal patrol routes. We also propose a Mathematical model of the uncertainty of aerial sensors and discuss defender strategies in aerial sensor-supported operations. Finally, the article explores the ‘security games with signalling’ to propose a Stackelberg Security Games model for CI/CT environment supported by aerial sensors. By integrating signalling and sensor uncertainty, game theory can help in designing effective strategies for sensor placement and signalling to minimise the risk of successful attacks by adversaries in CI/ CT environments.

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Posted On: April 18, 2024