Stealth and Counter-stealth Some Emerging Thoughts and Continuing Debates

Issue: 3

If there is one dimension in the air attack–air defence continuum that is riding high on the wings of enabling edge technologies, it is the use of stealth, both in the offensive and defensive domains. While a multiplicity of modern day aerial threat vehicles like B-2, F-22, F-117A, SU 35, JXX/J-20, UH-60, Mig 35, etc., are relying on latest stealth techniques to increase their survivability (and, hence, kill capability) in active air defence environments dotted by a hierarchy of sensors in range and depth, the air defence warriors are busy fielding high technology and high-definition sensors in active, passive, and electromagnetic (EM) based anti-stealth domains to defy stealthy attack. The cause-effect duel, thus, continues eternally.

This paper presents certain emerging thoughts and continuing debates in the field of stealth and counter-stealth.

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Posted On: July 7, 2012

Keywords: Arms, Defence, Indian Air Force