The Limits of the India-United Kingdom Defence Relationship

Issue: 1

The United Kingdom (UK) is keen on establishing a ‘stronger, wider and deeper’ relationship with India. It is ‘determined to make’ defence cooperation ‘an essential part’ of this relationship. London sees such a relationship with an India that will shape the twenty-first century as ‘an essential pillar’ in its ‘broader strategy’ to fashion a role for itself in Asia.

But how important is the UK for India’s role in the emerging Asian landscape? Not very, it appears, from de rigueur statements about sharing ‘the same vision for a renewed and enhanced partnership’ and working together to address ‘the challenges of global poverty and development, reform of global institutions, terrorism and climate change’ as well as from appeals for a ‘better appreciation of each other’s core concerns including on the security environment’ and particularly the challenge of terrorism.

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Posted On: January 6, 2013

Keywords: Defence Cooperation, India-UK Relations