Beyond Stereotypes: Contours of the Transition in Jammu and Kashmir

IDSA Monograph Series No. 16

This study aims to highlight the contours of transition in Jammu and Kashmir. The study assays the issues and challenges that were highlighted during the three crises in the State since 2008. It analyses the immediate as well as long-term response of the government to these challenges. Based on these, it questions the stereotypes that the dominant discourses on ‘Kashmir’ perpetrate. It argues that there is substantial evidence to suggest that as a result of the change in the attitude and approach of the state and the people, the polarisation between them is not as extreme as is made out. It makes the case that the questioning of these stereotypes creates a space that could be used by the various stakeholders to engage with each other more constructively.

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Posted On: December 12, 2023

Keywords: India, Jammu and Kashmir