Transfer of Defence Technology to India: Prevalence, Significance and Insights

Kevin A. Desouza
Archive data: Person was Research Fellow at IDSA from September 2015 to December 2016 Joined IDSA 30 Sep 2015 Experience Electronic Warfare, Signal Intelligence, Defence Acquisition and Project Management. Education… Continue reading Transfer of Defence Technology to India: Prevalence, Significance and Insights read more

Transfer of technology has been prevalent in numerous forms across the world, both in the civil as well as defence domains, and India is no exception. These transfers, primarily in the form of licenced manufacture, have provided a significant boost to the production capabilities and self-reliance of developing nations in the past and hold great promise, in the future, for nations that do not have a well-developed science and technology base. This article addresses transfers in the defence domain and delves into some of its fundamental aspects through a coverage of its prevalence in India; whether it contributes to the attaining of national goals; understanding its core fundamentals and connected nuances; and finally, benefits and costs, including restrictive issues.

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