Q.1099 India’s role in reconstruction activities

Parliament Questions and Answers

TO BE ANSWERED ON 03.03.2010


Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) the names of the countries in which India has played/is playing an active role in their reconstruction;
(b) the details of the expenditure incurred on such activities, country-wise; and
(c) the benefits likely to accrue to the country as a result thereof?


(a) India has undertaken projects in all parts of Afghanistan in a wide range of sectors and is assisting Sri Lanka in reconstruction of its Northern and Eastern Provinces which have been affected by protracted conflict.

(b) In Afghanistan, our projects include hydro-electricity, power transmission lines, road construction, industry, telecommunications, information and broadcasting, and capacity building which have been identified by the Afghan Government as priority areas for reconstruction and development. In addition, India has undertaken community level small development projects in the field of agriculture, rural development, education and health through Afghanistan that have direct and visible impact on community life and with a focus on local ownership and management. The year-wise expenditure incurred on various projects in Afghanistan during the last three years is as under:

(i) 2007-08: Rs. 476.55 crores
(ii) 2008-09: Rs. 410.41 crores
(iii) 2009-10: Rs. 98.46 crores

In Sri Lanka, India has allocated Rs. 500 crore from the Union Budget for the rehabilitation of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and reconstruction of the Northern and Eastern Sri Lanka. These funds are currently being utilised for deploying seven de-mining teams from India for assisting early resettlement of IDPs. A team led by Indian Council for Agricultural Research visited Sri Lanka to prepare a blueprint for revival of agricultural sector in Northern Sri Lanka. As immediate measure, India has procured 70,000 agricultural starters’ packs for the resettling IDP families. India has also gifted 55 buses to Northern, Eastern and Central Provinces of Sri Lanka. In addition, India has gifted 4 lakh cement bags (20,000 MT) for resettling IDP families. Government of India has also extended a Line of Credit of US $425 million for reconstruction of Northern Railway lines.

(c) After the ouster of the Taliban regime, India has played an important role in the reconstruction and rehabilitation of Afghanistan. This is based on the understanding that democracy and development are the key instruments to ensure that Afghanistan becomes a source of regional stability and not slide back into extremism. As a neighbour and a fellow member of SAARC, India is actively engaged in assisting the efforts of the Government and the people of Afghanistan in reconstruction and development of their country and to bring about stability. India’s assistance programme in Afghanistan has earned it tremendous goodwill among the people there, cutting across the ethnic and geographical divides. This has been borne out by the recent opinion polls commissioned by reputed international bodies which found that India headed the list of countries viewed favourably by Afghans.

Indian assistance will contribute to the rehabilitation and reconstruction of Northern and Eastern Sri Lanka and the resettlement of the Internally Displaced People including Tamils to their original habitation. This will also help ordinary Sri Lankans affected by terrorism for far too long to have a chance to resume their normal lives and live in an environment free from fear and violence.


Lok Sabha


South Asia