Q.1111 ATR on Mumbai attack perpetrators

Parliament Questions and Answers

TO BE ANSWERED ON 03.03.2010


Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Government is satisfied with the Action Taken Report (ATR) on Lakhwi and other perpetrators of Mumbai terror attacks presented by Pakistan in the foreign Secretary level dialogue held recently;
(b) if so, the details thereof;
(c) whether any other issue besides Lakhwi and other perpetrators was also taken up during this dialogue; and
(d) if so, the details thereof?


(a) to (b) In the Foreign Secretary level talks held on February 25, 2010, the Pakistan Foreign Secretary expressed the desire and determination of the Government of Pakistan to take all possible efforts for a successful conclusion of the Mumbai attack trial which is underway in Pakistan. He stated that Pakistan was determined not to allow its territory to be used for terrorist activity against any country, and said that the additional information provided by India on February 25, 2010 will be studied. Earlier Pakistan acknowledged and admitted on February 12, 2009 that the terrorist attack on Mumbai on November 26, 2008 was planned and launched from Pakistan. In its dossier of July 11, 2009, Pakistan also acknowledged that substantial incriminating evidence had been unearthed which directly connects five accused LeT operatives under Pakistani custody. Two more suspects were arrested later. On November 25, 2009, the Government of Pakistan reportedly filed a charge sheet in an Anti Terrorism Court in Pakistan against the seven suspects and 20 proclaimed offenders for their role in the terrorist attack on Mumbai. Zaki ur Rehman Lakhvi was named as mastermind of the attack.

(c) to (d) During the talks, while it was noted that some steps have been taken by Pakistan these have not brought the perpetrators of the Mumbai terrorist attack to book in an expeditious and transparent manner, and have not unveiled the full conspiracy behind the attack. It was pointed out that Government of Pakistan should take effective action to dismantle the terror infrastructure in territory under its control and put an end to the activities of organisations such as LeT and JuD. Further information on terrorist threats and activities against India emanating from Pakistan was also handed over to the Pakistani side for investigation and appropriate action. It was conveyed that Government believed it was necessary to resolve all outstanding issues between the two countries through bilateral dialogue in an atmosphere free of terror and violence. It was also decided to address urgent humanitarian matters.



South Asia