Q.3247 Attacks on Tamil Nadu fishermen

Parliament Questions and Answers

TO BE ANSWERED ON 26.08.2010


Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government is aware that attacks on Tamil Nadu fishermen have not been stopped by the Sri Lankan Army;
(b) whether it is also a fact that despite many steps taken by the State and Central Government, the attacks have been still continuing;
(c) the total number of fishermen killed, injured and loss of property during the last three years and till now;
(d) if so, the steps taken by Government to protect the life of Tamil Nadu fishermen; and
(e) if so, the details thereof?


(a) to (e) There have been incidents of apprehension and firing upon Indian fishermen allegedly by the Sri Lankan Navy. However, the Sri Lankan Navy has denied responsibility in such incidents of firing on Indian fishermen. Since 2008, there have been 15 incidents of attack on Indian fishermen. During these incidents 6 fishermen are reported to have been killed and 17 fishermen injured. Recently we have had an incident in which one fisherman was reportedly killed and three injured.

Keeping in mind the humanitarian and livelihood dimensions of the issue, on 26th October 2008, both sides agreed to put in place an understanding on practical arrangements to deal with bonafide Indian and Sri Lankan fishermen crossing the International Maritime Boundary Line (IMBL). As part of these practical arrangements, it was decided that there will be no firing on Indian fishermen and vessels and Indian fishing vessels will not tread into sensitive areas designated by GoSL along its coastline. The 2008 Understanding has had a salutary effect on the situation. While in 2008, 1456 of our fishermen were arrested by Sri Lanka, in 2009 this came down to 127 fishermen. While 6 were reported killed or missing in 2008, none was killed or reported missing in 2009.

We are constantly in touch with Government of Sri Lanka on the issue of safety and security of our fishermen. Further, as soon as such incidents are brought to our notice, the matter is taken up immediately with Government of Sri Lanka on a priority basis.

We have impressed on the Government of Sri Lanka to ensure that the Sri Lankan Navy to act with restraint, not fire on our fishermen and treat our fishermen in a humane manner.


Rajya Sabha


South Asia