Q. No. 4535 Partial success of Nirbhay cruise missile

Parliament Questions and Answers

Rajya Sabha
ANSWERED ON 08.05.2013

Question: Will the Minister of DEFENCE be pleased to satate :-

(a) whether India’s most challenging technology project Nirbhay cruise missile developed by Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) achieved only partial success at the first test and the missile performed well upto 200 kms before fizzling;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether Nirbhay, the Indian version of the US military’s Tomahawk cruise missile was launched perfectly, the navigator was perfect with correctly touching first two way points and its self-destruction mechanism inside was activated when it was deviated from its path; and

(d) if so, whether our missile scientists have identified the malfunction of one of the sub-systems and the steps taken to rectify the system?

Answer: Minister of Defence (Shri A.K. Antony)

(a) & (b): Yes, Sir. Except for covering the full range by flying in all way points, all the objectives set for the cruise missile functionality have been met fully.

(c) Yes, Sir. The missile was launched perfectly. The navigation system was perfect with correctly touching the first way point and deviation was observed while going to second way point. When the deviation exceeded the safety limits, mission abort command was issued from the ground and the destruction mechanism inside the missile was activated. The mission was aborted to ensure coastal safety.

(d) Scientists have identified that Inertial Navigation System has malfunctioned and corrective design / modifications are being implemented.


Defence Economics & Industry