Q.285 Resumption of dialogue with Pakistan

Type: Parliament Questions and Answers

TO BE ANSWERED ON 24.02.2010


Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Government of India has decided to renew the dialogue with Pakistan that was suspended in the wake of the terrorist attack on Mumbai;
(b) if so, the details thereof;
(c) whether the dialogue is a continuation of the Composite Dialogue Process that India and Pakistan have been engaged in over the years or is it the commencement of a fresh dialogue with a new agenda and a new set of terms of reference;
(d) if so, the details thereof;
(e) the inputs/reasons that have impelled India to review the dialogue with Pakistan given the fact that it was the republic position of the Government of India that no dialogue is possible with Pakistan till it takes action against the perpetrators of 26/11 Mumbai Terrorist attacks; and
(f) the details of the salient, significant, legal and law enforcement actions that have been taken by the Government of Pakistan against the 26/11 accused both unilaterally and in pursuance of UNSC resolutions which have been conveyed to the Government of India?


(a) to (e) Foreign Secretary level talks between India and Pakistan are scheduled to be held in New Delhi on February 25, 2010. The meeting of the Foreign Secretaries on February 25 is not a continuation of the Composite Dialogue Process. The proposed talks will focus essentially on India’s core concerns regarding terrorism. It is Government’s consistently expressed position that it is necessary to have an environment free of terror or threat of terror if relations between the two countries are to move forward concretely and meaningfully. Government expects Pakistan to bring the perpetrators of the Mumbai terrorist attack to justice, unravel the full conspiracy behind the attack, fulfil its commitment to dismantle the infrastructure of terrorism and to deny sanctuary to all terrorist groups which operate from its soil. Enabling an effective channel of communication between India and Pakistan can assist in the discussion of such concerns and to highlight the seriousness we attach to the need for action by Pakistan against terrorism.

(f) Pakistan acknowledged and admitted on February 12, 2009 that the terrorist attack on Mumbai on November 26, 2008 was planned and launched from Pakistan. In its dossier of July 11, 2009, Pakistan also acknowledged that substantial incriminating evidence had been unearthed which directly connects five accused LeT operatives under Pakistani custody to the attacks in Mumbai. Two more suspects were arrested later. On November 25, 2009, the Government of Pakistan reportedly filed a charge sheet in an Anti Terrorism Court in Pakistan against the seven suspects and 20 proclaimed offenders for their role in the terrorist attack on Mumbai. The trial in Pakistan is on going.


South Asia