Tenders Archive

  1. Conversion of Existing Store Room into Toilet Including Other Misc Civil Works [Last Date: December 8, 2017]
  2. Quotations for Books/Journals Binding [Last Date: February 12, 2018]
  3. Replacement of Mosquito net & Buffing of Stainless Steel sinks in Kitchen [Last date: February 15, 2018]
  4. Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (CAMC) of IT Services [Last date: February 27, 2018]
  5. Quatation for Supply and Installation of Fibre glass sheet at DG Residence [Last date: February 23, 2018]
  6. Quotation for Renovation of Toilet beneath Ramp [Last Date: March 12, 2018]
  7. Quotation Invited for Renovation of 2 BHK Residential Flat [Last Date: 31 May 2018 | 1500 Hrs]
  8. Quotation for Painting Work in Common Area at Residential Area [Last Date: 5 December 2018]
  9. Tender for Overhauling of Cooling Towers and Other allied works of HVAC Plant [Last Date extended to 13 December 2018 ]
  10. Quotation for Painting Work in Common Area at Residential Area