Defence Cooperation

From Looks to Action: Thailand-India Strategic Convergence and Defence Cooperation

After 67 years of diplomatic relations and two decades of collaboration in connecting India with Southeast Asia in January of 2012, Thailand and India finally signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Defence Cooperation. This effort to deepen defence and military ties between the two countries emerged relatively late when compared with those between India and most other Southeast Asian countries.

Deliberations of a Working Group on Military and Diplomacy

  • Publisher: Magnum Books Pvt Ltd

The Indian defence establishment is confronted today with what is probably its greatest challenge since Independence. Besides being prepared to wage conventional war on possibly two fronts simultaneously, our Armed Forces need to be geared to undertake this under a nuclear overhang and within a technological environment that encompasses cyber- and space-based threats. There is therefore an imperative requirement for change that would enable us to adapt to the emerging situation. The archaic organisations and processes put in place on achieving Independence must undergo radical overhaul.

  • ISBN ISBN 978-93-82512-01-1,
  • Price: ₹. 195/-
  • E-copy available