Defence Technology

A Comparison of Defence Sector Innovation Ecosystems in China and India

The defence sector in all major countries has historically been a source of new technologies and innovation. As China and India grow in stature, the strengths of their defence sector ecosystems and the ability to innovate become areas of focus for policymakers. Since defence deals with the security of a nation, all defence ecosystems have some element of government leadership, direction and ownership. Against this must be balanced the need to ensure efficiencies and competitive capabilities, which requires entrepreneurship, private sector companies and the market mechanism.

Transfer of Defence Technology: Exploring the Avenues for India

India has been the recipient of transfers of defence technology predominantly through the licensed manufacture mode which, while being cheap and easy to implement, has some major limitations. This article looks into alternate modes of technology transfer and explores additional possibilities through a broad perspective on technology development. It also attempts to assess the relative strengths of each mode, the challenges in implementation and indicate a way forward to meet suitable national goals.