Military Strategy

Internet of Things Centricity of Future Military Operations

Since the last decade of the twentieth century, network centricity has profoundly transformed warfighting and the outlook of the military. The next level of the networking ladder is Internet of Things (IoT), which has already started to disruptively change the ways in the civil domain, bringing a considerable autonomy to various processes by linking of a plethora of smart devices that are talking to each other. Militaries, in the near future, are also likely to see similar proliferation of IoT, which will bring a material change to their functioning and conduct of operations.

A Longue Durée Perspective on Military Science in India

This article posits that military science has been one of the most neglected subjects in Indian history in practice and in scholarship. Greater, popular scholarly focus tends to be mostly on subjects dealing with grand strategy and with it, abstract armchair theorising. While grand strategy is necessary at the political–military level, it is not sufficient as victory or defeat also depends on the capacity of the armed forces to achieve the desired results during the conduct of war.

Impact of Offset Policy on India’s Military Industrial Capability

India’s offset policy in 2005 envisaged direct purchase of products and services, Joint venture, FDI, etc. So far, 12 Offset contracts have been concluded for $2 B. The study shows that most of it is far low end products and services repair and overhaul facilities, training, and simulators. However, expected inflow in terms of long term investments, FDI have not materialized.