Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology: Current Global Trends and Future Military Applications for ‘Soldier as a System’

The last decade has witnessed unprecedented developments in the discovery of novel materials and their radically different properties at nano scales. Global efforts in research and development (R&D)in nanotechnology are being undertaken by many countries due to far-reaching benefits encompassing the entire arena of science and technology. The field of defence is likely to profit immensely by nanotechnology-enabled applications.

Role of Nanotechnology in Defence

Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NT) are emerging fields of science and technology that are witnessing the emergence of an increasing number of new ideas and applications. Many states are seriously looking at military applications of this technology. This paper analyses the impact of NT on defence and looks at its current and futuristic applicability for military purposes, as well as their likely impact on arms control.