National Socialist Council of Nagalim-Isak-Muivah (NSCN-IM)

The Quest for Nagalim: Fault Lines and Challenges

The Naga quest for independence is one of the longest-running struggles in the Indian subcontinent. Despite numerous attempts made in the past towards resolving the conflict, it continues to remain elusive on account of various fault lines. The signing of a ‘Framework Agreement’ between the National Socialist Council of Nagalim–Issak and Muivah (NSCN-IM) and the Government of India in August 2015 was one such attempt. However, the views of various stakeholders remain fragmented as the details of the agreement have not been disclosed in the public domain.

Naga Violence: Reminiscent of ‘Wild West’

The recent violence indicates that armed groups have not disarmed and that state forces are simply unable to keep “extortion” networks in check. While the cease-fire agreement signed in 1997 has been the harbinger of the subsequent peace talks, blatant violations of the agreement by the outfit render the framework of the talks weak and question its effectiveness and legitimacy.

Violence in Bodo Areas: The Risks of Conceding ‘Exclusive’ Ethnic Homelands

The recent violence in the Bodo areas indicates the risks associated with the formation of exclusive ethnic homelands based on the demands of the majority population (belonging to an ethnic group) inhabiting a particular geographical area. Formation of such exclusive ethnic homelands may prove to be both an assault on the pluralistic ethos of our country and a nightmare for minority groups living in that terrain.