Obama Administration

In Search of Congruence Perspectives on India-US Relations under the Obama Administration

  • Publisher: Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses

This collection of essays attempts to assess the complexities and prospective direction of India-US relations under the Obama administration. Each chapter in this volume, examines his pronouncements on major security and foreign policy issues from his election campaign days, and traces the current course of his policies in those areas and their possible implications for India. Being an early assessment of how the relationship is likely to evolve, this book should be of interest to policy makers, the business community and discerning scholars.

  • ISBN 81-86019-65-0 ,
  • E-copy available

The Obama Administration’s Africa Policy

The Obama Administration has focused its Africa policy mainly on democracy, economic growth, food security, democracy, conflict prevention and mitigation, as well as dealing with transnational threats. These broad strategic objectives of the Administration also indicate the vastness and diversity of the African continent and its varying requirements. The United States has provided a substantial amount of aid to Africa in health programmes.

The Dispensable Nation: American Foreign Policy in Retreat by Vali Nasr

The Dispensable Nation provides a useful critique of the Obama administration. The author, Vali Nasr, analyses Obama’s foreign policy, especially his approach towards regions afflicted by crises, from the volatile Arab region to the badlands of South Asia. The book sheds light on the tussle between the State Department and the White House which impacts the making as well as the implementation of US foreign policy.

President Obama’s New National Security Team

United States President Barack Obama's new national security team for his second term in office was finally put in place at the end of February. It is an impressive team of men who share Obama's worldview and seem likely to accept the White House lead preferred by this president. The one woman, Susan Rice, added to the team as National Security Adviser in May reinforces the public image of foreign policy shaped by Obama.