Russia-Kyrgyzstan Relations

Central Asia: Democracy, Instability and Strategic Game in Kyrgyzstan

  • Publisher: Pentagon Press

Central Asia remains both stable and unpredictable after 20 years of its reemergence. The states here continue to undergo complex nation-building process, which is far from complete. The book is an attempt to provide an overview of political and strategic processes at work in the region by taking the case of Kyrgyzstan – tracing the events erupted since 2005 and more after 2010.

  • ISBN 978-81-8274-752-4,
  • Price: ₹. 995/-
  • E-copy available

Crimean crisis: A New Phase of Cold War?

Putin seems to have concluded that Russia must draw the line at Ukraine. The EU bid to sign trade agreement with Ukraine in December drew Russia’s ire and now Russia has moved to make Crimea its part thus changing the borders in Europe once again and deepening the distrust between Russia and the West at a time when serious issues like Syria, Iran and Afghanistan are yet to be resolved.