Comment & Briefs

Now The Right in Berlin: The German Elections of 2017

The CDU’s likely coalition partners are the Green Party and the Free Democrats. Such a coalition can work because all partners share a common design on European Unity and socio-economic policies at home.

September 26, 2017

  • Bharat Wariavwalla
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    Does India Need Thermonuclear Weapons

    While thermonuclear weapons are not necessary for maintaining a credible deterrent, they serve the purpose of enabling India to make effective use of its relatively limited fissile material stockpile.

    September 22, 2017

  • Sanjay Badri-Maharaj
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    India-Japan and ‘Confluence of the Two Seas’: Ten years on

    The India-Japan ‘action-oriented partnership’ is founded on the pillars of mutuality of interests, shared universal values and commonality of vision in the Indo-Pacific.

    September 13, 2017

  • Titli Basu
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    Barcelona Attacks: India has Cause for Disquiet

    It is perhaps time to regulate incendiary sermons which radicalise vulnerable sections of society.

    September 12, 2017

  • Prabha Rao
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    The March of Folly Jointly Led By Kim Jong-Un And Donald Trump

    The crisis over North Korea’s reckless but successful pursuit of nuclear- weapon capability and the misguided response thereto by the United States is taking the world nearer to an unnecessary and perfectly avoidable catastrophe.

    September 12, 2017

  • K. P. Fabian
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    Defence Reforms: Why is it Critical to Bite the Proverbial Bullet?

    This policy brief attempts to suggest six critical policy imperatives that must act as guidelines for the ongoing attempt at defence reforms.

    September 11, 2017

  • Vivek Chadha
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    Pakistan’s Nuclear Weapons and the Indian Nuclear Doctrine

    The nuclear escalation risk cannot be contained by the revision of India’s minimum deterrence policy but with a change in Pakistan’s behaviour.

    September 11, 2017

  • Sanjana Gogna
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    US-Pakistan ties at a crossroads

    Pakistan’s responses with reference to the US encouraging India to play a greater role in Afghanistan raise an intriguing question: were Trump’s statements on India part of a gambit to extract cooperation from Pakistan?

    September 11, 2017

  • Priyanka Singh
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    Rohingya Crisis Needs a Regional Solution

    The Rohingya crisis is not just Myanmar’s domestic problem but a regional issue and it needs to be tackled at the regional level in a more comprehensive way.

    September 08, 2017

  • Sampa Kundu
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    India’s Membership in Shanghai Cooperation Organisation: An Appraisal

    This Backgrounder evaluates the possible advantages and challenges stemming from India’s membership in SCO.

    August 29, 2017

  • Parth Sarthi Suhag
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